Medicare For All

Do you have a story about how our current health care system has failed you? Please contact us


Health care is a huge segment of our economy and health care access is a deeply and widely felt need. In the capitalist system, you have to pay to get care or go without, and under a democratic socialist system, we would collectively provide care as a society. Medicare for all is a stepping stone towards that vision and our campaign is designed to build a working class base of people fighting for state and national power.


A Single Health Program

Everyone will be covered by one health insurance program, administered by the federal government, and have equal access to all medical services and treatments.

Free at the Point of Service

All healthcare costs will be financed through tax contributions based on ability to pay: no copays, no fees, no deductibles and no premiums. Ever.


A jobs initiative and severance for those affected by the transition to government-run healthcare.

Comprehensive Coverage

All services requiring a medical professional will be fully covered. You go to the doctor of your choice. Dental, vision, mental health, and pharmaceuticals are all included.

Universal Coverage

Coverage for all United States residents — non-citizens included.